Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tachoe?

A white girl who is a hoe for only Mexican guys. This girl will chow down any Hispanic meat.

Jessica: you see that girl over there, she's a tachoe.

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tachoe - meme gif

tachoe meme gif

tachoe - video


Tachoe - what is it?

When a place is full of, or almost full of, nothing but girls. The opposite of a sausage fest.

Dude! It's a total tacho grande in here! Awesome!!

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What does "tachoe" mean?

Nachos, with taco seasoned beef.

"Yo Heather, I brought stuff for Tachos!"

- "Tachos aren't a real thing! They are just the way people make Nachos!"
"Tachos are real! Check Urban Dictionary! Question EVERYTHING!"

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Tachoe - what does it mean?

Short for "Nacho Taco." Simply the greatest cure for munchies. Best served with SoBe Pina Colada.

How to prepare:
1- Place a square of aluminum foil over your stove burner and turn it on to medium heat. (Don't wrap it around the edges or any stupid shit that will make it hard to take off while it's hot.)
2- Put a large FLOUR tortilla (corn tortillas SUCK) on the foil.
3- Sprinkle vast quantities of shredded cheese over the center of the tortilla, making a row about two inches wide, resembling a speed bump. I personally found mozzarella and "shredded taco cheese mix" (from Lowe's Foods) to be especially delicious.
4- Take that shit off when the cheese is melted, fold it up like a Burrito Of Awesomeness, and eat that shit!

Man I went over to Dante's house, my drug dealer, and we ate about like 17 tacho's cuz of that blueberry yum yum he got from India.

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Tachoe - meaning

A Tacho is a hot ass latina.

My friends went down to the barrio to pick up some tachos.

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Tachoe - definition

A pussy,cunt,twat ect. because it looks like a tacho.

A want to fuck her tacho.

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Tachoe - slang

Young Money, ROSS! Maybach Music, G.O.O.D Music
Going and getting H.A.M.

Monica"Did you see Tacho?"
Veronica "Yeah, he was going H.A.M!!"

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When you are broke, and find your self with only taco shells and cheese.... voila... TACHOS

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A crispy taco shell filled with delicious nacho cheese.

"Tachos, they're like nachos in a handful!"

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A mix between a taco and a hoe. Most commonly used to address your mexican bĂŚ's when they act like a bitch.

Friend #1 : stop hogging all the tortilla chips!
Friend #2: but they're so good.
Friend #3: wow you're such a Tachoe.

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