Definder - what does the word mean?

What is G.O.O.D?

Gay Out Of Desperation...

Are you ever going to get a girlfriend son? nope, I'm G.O.O.D dad.

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G.O.O.D meme gif

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G.O.O.D - what is it?

1.Kanye West's record label Getting Out of Our Dream Music. (G.O.O.D. Music).

2. Anything pertaining to Kanye West's musical style.

3. Another name for the Grammy Family.

1. Have you heard that new joint from G.O.O.D. Music?

2. That music reminds me of G.O.O.D. Music.

3. G.O.O.D. Music, Grammy's all the same to me.

👍193 👎95

What does "G.O.O.D" mean?

Abbreviation for Get Out Of Our Dream.

"You heard that song G.O.O.D. Friday? Bro it's hella dope."

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