Definder - what does the word mean?

What is syakira?

the person everyone loves.

do you love nafila syakira?
of course, who doesn't hahaha

👍27 👎11

syakira - video


Syakira - what is it?

A girl who is kind and helpful towards other people. She will not judge you for your looks. She is a very easy going girl and is not afraid to speak up her mind. She can be fierce at times but she will calm down if you give her some food.

Syakira is awesome

👍125 👎13

What does "syakira" mean?

Crazy little woman. One who does not cares what others think. She is short but sweet

That syakira is so crazy and has gone really mad

👍49 👎17

Syakira - what does it mean?

Crazy little woman who is short but weird. One who does not cares what others think. She is short and very weird but sweet.

Hey, that syakira is weird but sweet

👍143 👎37