Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sword in the stone?

When a girl does a handstand over a man's penis and she moves her hands away and falls then deep throats the man

"Yo ricky you got the sword in the stone?"
"hell yeah bro! She puked all over me, it was nasty"

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sword in the stone - video


Sword in the stone - what is it?

This is a very crude synonym to the more technical term, masturbation. Once masturbation is brought to mind, you should understand the imagery that this term conveys. If you still don't get it, think male masturbation, and think of the "stone" as two stones instead of one.

Well, that was a long stressful day... I think it's time to relieve some stress, maybe an afternoon of trying to pull the sword from the stone will help.

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What does "sword in the stone" mean?

Much like the act of two men 'playing swords' which is the act of two men peeing in the same toilet at the same time. Swords and Stones refers to the act of two men, one peeing, one pooping, in to the same toilet at the same time.

Brother #1 has to take a poop, brother #2 has to pee, there is only one toilet and neither brother can hold it. The brothers decide to play Swords and Stones.

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Sword in the stone - what does it mean?

Whilst recieving a handjob, the girl grabs the cock skin really hard and yanks upwards forcefully every few seconds, like is the guy trying to pull the sword from the stone in Excalibur.

oh nancy gave me the ol' sword in the stone last night.
I kept moaning in agony but she thought it was pleasure
so she kept pullinh harder and harder
now my cock looks like a slinky

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Sword in the stone - meaning

The act of smoking marijuana as well as engaging in a King Arthur sexual role play with a partner.

My wife and I have been trying out the sword in the stoned, it’s really spiced things up between us.

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Sword in the stone - definition

A novel of the legends of King Arthur written by T.H. White. The movie, created by Disney, is the best movie ever.

Hey man, have you heard of that kick ass movie The Sword in the Stone?

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Sword in the stone - slang

While recieving a handjob the girl grabs the cock skin really hard and yanks up very forcefully everyfew seconds. Like the boy trying to pull the sword from the stone in Camelot.

Nancy gave me the sword-in-the-stone last night
I kept screaming in pain but she thought they were moans of pleasure
and now my dick looks like a slinky

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Sword in the stone

When a fucker (usually a guy) fucks another guy (fuckee) in the ass and the top of his dick comes out his mouth. The fuckee tries to pull at the dick but to little prevail, it just gets harder.

In Greece putting your thumb between your index and your middle finger and making a fist indicates discontent (similar to a middle finger), but symbolizes that man fucking the recipient in the ass. On an average day that would be a small penis, but not when its a sword in the stone!

Jakob was complaining about his throat hurting so i gave him the sword in the stone. That ended that.


Have you seen that video with the horse and that guy?

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Sword in the stone

sex position where the woman lies on her neck with her legs spread and the guy stands over her and dips his cock in that pussy

none that I can think of, peter north does it in a movie though

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Sword in the stone

The act occurs when a couple are having sex without a condom and the male does not "pull out" before ejaculating. The idea is that he is suppose to but it feels too good or he just doesnt give a fuck.

"I had sex with Hannah last night and fell victim to the sword in the stone, i busted inside of her."

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