Definder - what does the word mean?

What is surin?

A true and definite resident of countryside Surin Province, Thailand....regardless of said assumptions and speculations to the contrary.

Thai countryside living.... Rural Surin,away from evil Farang.

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surin - meme gif

surin meme gif

surin - video


Surin - what is it?

thai politician 52 years of age ran for 12 years

wow surin is majorly old

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What does "surin" mean?

Very high cringe levels
Cringe is so high it’s hard to breathe

It was so Surin that my eyes started watering!

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Surin - what does it mean?

Giant erect penis

Adam has a surin

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Surin - meaning

Sanskrit for - Wise, learned. -m. A wise or learned man, scholar, pandit.

Wow he's very smart, he's a Surin for sure!

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