Definder - what does the word mean?

What is storminated?

To be "Stormin" on Halo Reach means to have Inclement Weather

"Yo, dude I believe in Jesus, And I'm Stormin Dog

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storminated - meme gif

storminated meme gif

storminated - video


Storminated - what is it?

When you chug something and puke shortly after

Dude Chancey chugged a beer with us and started stormin because of it

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What does "storminated" mean?

Nailing a random girl from behind pulling a train tagging from behind while gently stroking her throat as you would a horse with her naying and kicking and cumming in her anal cavity making a mess for everyone else.

I was giving the town hooker a stormin Norman horse fuckin first in line makin a mess for the other ten guys

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Storminated - what does it mean?

The Silver Bitch's crimson car husband. Once seriously injured the aforementioned wife due to gross negligence and the general clumsy nature of the driver.

A Honda Prelude; kind of sad that it belonged to a lawyer, actually.

Here comes Stormin' Norman. Quick, hide the kids and waitresses.

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Storminated - meaning

When you're recovering Mormon fiance finds her inner freak and shoves a Hitachi up your ass while she has you tied up and and blind folded.

My girlfriend went full last night and gave me the stormin anal Mormon.

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Storminated - definition

when someone is raping another person in the ass so rough that they have wet runny diarrhea on your penis, and u pull it out when u get off and slap them in the face for a tasty mix of shit and jism.

man the last 3 years in prison sucked I've gotten 4 stormin normans in the past month. said Jim as big Harry came up to say hello.

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Storminated - slang

An awesome Mormon girl who is loved by all her friends and is nice to everyone and is super faithful to her religion and is a Mormon Ninja and is the perfect child and is really pretty and good with kids and respectful and considerate of others and is really good at school :)

Ruth is such a Stormin' Mormon

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An individual who is typically known to be in a bad mood or a moody lonely individual

1) shit here comes stormin Norman just act like you don't see him he might walk past

2) oh look at this stormin Norman sitting on his tod the miserable old bastard

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The term used for Christian Mormons that naturally attract attention and ruckus

Person One: "Why is that girl dancing in the hospital?"

Person Two: "Don't mind her, she's just a stormin' Mormon."


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Comes from the Edinburgh slang "Stormin Norman", meaning to be on you own.
Sometimes modified to "stormer" - someone who is on his storman
Or even to be "storminated" - literally "on my own"

This is not the harshest work in the urban dictionary but if coupled with a swear word or two, someone might stab you (if you were in Glasgow).

Guy 1: "I've been on my stormin all day, its getting on my tits"
Guy 2: "Thats cos ur a smelly c*nt"

Jock: "Your a f*cking stormer you fat b*stard"

Slim: "I hate being storminated, I have to jack off to keep myself company"

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