Definder - what does the word mean?

What is starped?

Fat and big big


👍25 👎15

starped - meme gif

starped meme gif

starped - video


Starped - what is it?

professional clothing brand

starp is literally the best clothing brand

👍25 👎11

What does "starped" mean?

Been obsessed with by somebody

Mike has been starped by Alice.

👍37 👎13

Starped - what does it mean?

A person solely taking pictures for likes on social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

That girl is such a starp.

👍39 👎13

Starped - meaning

1;In the act of saying either ''stop'' or ''start'' but change and it comes out as starp

2;When your not sure of what to say,''stop'' or ''start''

Hey man I have to sto..starp eating, I'm so skinny

👍75 👎23