Definder - what does the word mean?

What is spone?

When a person is spun from taking crystal meth and stoned from smoking marijuana.

I'm so sponed, can hardly sit still and focus.

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spone - meme gif

spone meme gif

spone - video


Spone - what is it?

pot slang meaning "smoke a roach"
spone - verb - meaning "to smoke"
spone - noun - meaning "joint"

nobe - noun - meaning "roach"
nobe - verb - meaning "to extinguish a joint, creating a roach"

you can't spone a nobe unless you nobe the spone - (translated - you can't smoke a roach unless you extinguish the joint)- notice that nobe and spone can both be used as a verbs or nouns.

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What does "spone" mean?

A nigga who sleeps in cabinets.

β€œWhy is that nigga slumpt in the cabinet?”
β€œHe’s a spone nigga.”

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Spone - what does it mean?

Originating from youths with simply way too much spare time. Is the act of playing with the back of someones head. Usually an affectionate act, although you can use a phone book or waffle iron if you feel creative.

He was sponing the back of my head. And it felt good...

I'll spone that fucker with my two-by-four...

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Spone - meaning

being owned by somebody using a spongebob squarepants quote,

Can also be spelled Spowned, this was insisted upon by a toolbox.

"hey man, they told me my big fat nose wouldn't fit in, and then all I heard was the word "sponed" being yelled inside, any idea what that might mean?"

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Spone - definition

Spun and Stoned conjoined.

That person is both stoned and spun at the same time making him sponed

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Spone - slang

Verb - to spone; Intercourse while in the spooning position.

We totally sponed last night :o

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(verb) To perform oral sex on a woman. Origin: a spelling mistake in an IM transcription of a well known bad joke.

The nurse sponed the woman.

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