Definder - what does the word mean?

What is spam castanet?

London based word describing the labia or 'poon lippage'. Esp. of the dangly variety.

Geez 1: Whats her cootch saying the?
Geez 2: Boy, all good, but what a pair of Spam Castanets!

👍29 👎21

spam castanet - video


Spam castanet - what is it?

slang term for vagina

I wouldn't mind banging her spam castanet

👍29 👎11

What does "spam castanet" mean?

A Percussion instrument, of Spanish origin, comprised of specially prepared assorted meat slices worn between the thumb and four fingers.

They are mainly used in flamenco dancing and emit little to no sound when played.

Hey, I'll play the guitar, Pedro can play some Spam Castanets

👍53 👎17

Spam castanet - what does it mean?

Sagging vaginal lips. See also Beef Curtain.

She sure knows how to play the spam castanets.

👍49 👎15