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What is south Philly?

To threaten to shoot someone, most commonly in the head.

So I clipped this guy's mirror the other day cause he was double parking. He gives me a South Philly Goodmorning and tries to chase me down, but I was too quick for him.

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south Philly - video


South Philly - what is it?

A brown paper bag. Denizens of South Philadelphia will pack their clothes in a brown paper bag for small overnight trips or a weekend getaway. Most children at a slumber party will have the ubiquitous brown bag with their clothes in it.

Vinny carried his South Philly Suitcase down Passyunk. Johnny's mom had to go to Pathmark (a supermarket) to get him a new South Philly Suitcase.

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What does "south Philly" mean?

The act of consuming a large container of Chickie’s and Pete’s Crab Fries and immediately proceeding to finger your own asshole.

Person 1: Man, this bathroom line is really long!

Person 2: Yeah, I think the guy in stall 3 is giving himself a South Philly Special!

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South Philly - what does it mean?

Driving through several consecutive stoptional intersections on a street in South Philly. Because the majority of South Philly's intersections are four-way stops, and intersections are so close to one another, you don't ever drive fast between the stop signs, but you don't really stop at the signs either -- you just slide right through them.

I drove from Gray's Ferry to Pennsport the other night, but I wanted to grab a hoagie on the way, so I did the South Philly Slide down Dickinson.

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South Philly - meaning

v.To fail to make a complete stop at a red light or stop sign, especially when turning.

"She got ticketed on Broad and Passyunk for a South Philly Roll."

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South Philly - definition

used to be the best place on earth. south philly is starting to turn into the ghetto. killings left and right and people being jumped every 5 minutes. kids starting from the age of 12 (some younger) go to the park or the lakes to chill and get wacked every weekend

yo man did you hear about south philly on the news today??
another man was killed

yo what you doin this weekend?
gettin wacked yo

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South Philly - slang

South philly aka south sneaky don't trust nobody from south philly not even your mom them niggas grimy as shit

Southphilly - if a south philly bitch tell you hold on she going in the crib pull off that bitch try line you

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South Philly

a good place to chill with some freakys

Sleeping over my friends house in Grays Ferry and I was awoken to his mom giving me fellatio, I've been hanging out in South Philly ever since.

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South Philly

when people think of south philly they think of rocky and cheesesteaks...

don't come to south philly just for cheesesteaks

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South Philly

A section of the city of Philadelphia that seems not to be governed by law but rather local custom, especially south of Washington Avenue.

Newly arrived South Philly resident: "Why does everyone have their cars parked in the middle of Broad Street?"

Grizzled South Philly veteran: "This is South Philly. If you don't like it, get the fuck out of here. Yo, hit the deck, I think just heard a gunshot."

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