Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sooted?

A referal to any japenese turbo car, due to the sound of the air pressure getting released as the foot is taken of the accelerator at approximatly 2500rpm.

"i'm sick of this wagon, I want to get a soot."

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sooted - meme gif

sooted meme gif

sooted - video


Sooted - what is it?

A more polite expression for shit, often more widely used and in much more trivial situations.

Oh soot, my book fell out in the floor.

The sooty quality of this guitar is making my ears bleed.

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What does "sooted" mean?

A cigarette, as coined by internet animator and musician Threebrain.

John: "Shucks, down to my last soot. Time to buy a new pack!"
Big tobacco: "Yes... Yeeessss! Smoke 'em up, Johnny! For this soot could be your last!"

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Sooted - what does it mean?

a penis fart that obliverates a females insides.

Anfernee sooted in Shaniqua's cornhole.

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Sooted - meaning

Something Hubert Cumberdale tastes like according to Salad Fingers.

Bah, Hubert Cumberdale! You taske like soot and poo.

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Sooted - definition

The remains of wood, coal, oil, or of any other flammable substance - after being burned.
Made mostly of carbon, it is black in color, and very fine in texture.

"Sweep the soot out of the fireplace, please."
"That chimney-sweep better get all the soot off of him before he comes to the door!"

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Sooted - slang

the word soot is mainly used in australia or sooting . You use the word soot to tell ya mate when your coming around .

β€œoscar bro when are ya sooting around to my joint β€œ β€œ soon cuss i’m having a feed β€œ

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An exclamation of excitement or satisfaction. Much like woot but with more jazz.

"I just fixed that bug in the code!"

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When referring to Cocaine in the book Put My Numbers On That

Kyle wanted to make a detour to pick up some soot

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to soot (v) is to sexually "toot" into a sexual partners rectum in a musical way

Mark likes to soot with Helen during oral sex

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