Definder - what does the word mean?

What is so Say?

The influence facebook's categorising of the world has. Only that which follows facebook criteria is acknowledged and allowed. Giving facebook the power to influence our world through mass conformity to its imposed framework.

Is this about me
I can only be what facebook allows
If you put face and book together does it make facebook
The spell check has a little red line under facebook
If I press add to dictionary the line goes away
This is about me
I wonder why that is

everyone calls me by my nickname, but facebook wont allow it on my profile. I have to use a name no one knows me by

Why; because facebook says so

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so Say - video


So Say - what is it?

A response to someone's stated opinion or position that, albeit inaccurate or even goofy, you just don't see the need or wish to argue it's merits.

Margie: I really enjoy watching The Bachelorette show, but I feel so sorry for the bachelors that get rejected - it so sad!
Me: If that's your say so, okay....

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What does "so Say" mean?

A polite way of saying no

Girl1: OMG!! isnt jason so hott?!?!!

Girl2: If you say so...

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So Say - what does it mean?

A very polite way of calling someone a liar after they tell you something that you know is utter bullshit.

Man #1: I saw Elvis at the 711 this afternoon.

Man #2: Yeah, tell me another one.

Man #1: No, I really did see Elvis.

Man #2: If you say so.

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So Say - meaning

Phrase that can indicate continued concern in response to attempts at alleviation.

Can also be used to politely disagree or imply that someone is lying.

Person A: I'm fine.
Person B: If you say so...

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So Say - definition

Short for If you say so

β€œSay so, girl.”

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So Say - slang

Sarcastic response to a comment somebody makes

Friend: You’re ugly
Me: so you say

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So Say

An opening phrase used by people (primarily feminists and SJWs) to obfuscate or willfully misinterpret a logical point/argument a reasonable person has made.

Reasonable person: It's illegal pay someone less based on their sex. No serious economist worth their weight in salt would take the "wage gap" seriously.

Feminist: So you're saying women shouldn't have the right to vote?

Reasonable person: What? No. I was just saying that if women want to, across the board, make as much as men, they totally can, they just have to-

Feminist- So you're saying women are your personal sex slaves who speak when spoken to and shouldn't be able to read or write?

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So Say

The original that's what she said, dates back to 19th Century Texas.

So say the ladies...

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So Say

a person who is attractive/ good looking

"bro that girl over there, she's so say"

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