Definder - what does the word mean?

What is snootering?

When one guy ejaculates directly into the pee hole of another guy. Therefore forcing the second man to ejaculate the first guy's cum out

My mom caught my best friend and I snootering last night

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Snootering - what is it?

Someone who pretends to be your friend so he can annoy you. He’ll leave you alone but when he feels like it he’ll go to annoy you and your friends.

John is a real Snooter. Yeah he Snoots on everyone.

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What does "snootering" mean?

The act of snorting foriegn substances. Mostly cocaine, pcp, or other illicit substances.

Gary and I had snooters after a long day at work.

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Snootering - what does it mean?

The act of snorting a foreign substance thru the nose, that is not cocaine or other illegal drugs (ie. wasabi, mustard, etc)

Steve-O did a Snooter of Wasabi

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Snootering - meaning

A Staple of East Coast Degeneracy and Bromance.

The process of inhaling the excess foam (or head) from a bottle of beer via the nasal cavity.

Snooters: It will make your tears taste like glory and your breathe smell like vomit.

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Snootering - definition

A hybrid word used as a substitute for "vagina." The result of combining: Snatch and Cooter.

Martha slapped me in the face, so I kicked her in the snooter.

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Snootering - slang

British slang

v. to harass verbally, particularly with demands
n. one who snooters

"Those who know Bertram best are aware that in his journey through life he is impeded and generally snootered by about as scaly a platoon of aunts as ever was assembled ..."

P.G. Wodehouse

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Something used to snort cocaine.

Straw or dollar bill

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Noun. A specialty device used in the process of doozing. (verb: to dooze. The act of insufflating or otherwise sniffing or snorting various types of powdered narcotic)

a snooter would be something such as a rolled up bill, a straw shortened to an appropriate length, or a portion of a disassembled pen. Anything that is in the form of a tube that will fit comfortably up the nostril to aid in the process of doozing

1: Do you have a snooter?
2: Pass the snooter
3: Question: how can i dooze this line? Answer: Take the snooter, put it in your nostril and sniff it.

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A snooter is a dog's nose.

Hey dog, get your snooter out of my crotch!!

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