Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sniggling?

1. To take something quickly when someone isn't looking; to steal. Typically something of low value.
2. To sneak and wiggle into a restricted area.
3. To achieve something intangible against all odds, such as stealing victory, through often humorous or unbelievable means.

1. "OMFG, did you just sniggle one of my french fries?"; or "He totally sniggled the last piece of pie out from under me!"

2. "My outdoors cat sniggled her way into our house through a hole in the ceiling, after she bounced off of a towel rack and a space heater, I don't have the heart to put her back out."

3. "I sniggled a victory in battlegrounds when everyone else mysteriously disconnected."

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sniggling - meme gif

sniggling meme gif

sniggling - video


Sniggling - what is it?

(Verb.) To fish for eel with a baited Hook.

Go away, I am sniggling.

👍51 👎31

What does "sniggling" mean?

Like a snuggle, only so much better. <3


👍83 👎67

Sniggling - what does it mean?

word used instead of and giggle in one! So...Sniggles!

Hannah: hehe
Dani: *sniggles*

👍57 👎35

Sniggling - meaning

Cross between "snicker" and "giggle"

Sniggling is not recommended.

👍117 👎73

Sniggling - definition

When people are laughing ridiculously without any type of bodily control and freaks out people, preferably Mexicans.

*Guys playing Halo and a person gets blown up by tank*



👍39 👎15

Sniggling - slang

To giggle & snort through the nose simultaneously

The action that describes giggling (laughing with repeated short, spasmodic sounds) with the mouth closed, with the only place of release for the giggles via the nostrils lol

During the sad occasion she knew it was inappropriate to laugh out loud and so managed to sniggle quietly much to her delight & to the embarrassment of her weeping friend.

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When a bearded man performs cunnilingus on a woman

Woman: "Sniggling with him tickles."

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when you cuddle with a random chick, stick your finger in her ass, and then run away giggling.

Justin was sniggling with Jackie and tripped on Yan's cock when he was running.

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The act of giggling and snickering simultaneously.

The girls were sniggling as the gangling pimple faced teenage boy passed by.

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