Definder - what does the word mean?

What is smonking?

when CS students meme about drug users named, Brett

we got so smonked last night

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smonking - meme gif

smonking meme gif

smonking - video


Smonking - what is it?

Smonk is to be sminked and vice versa

1. I walked to the shop today and slipped on my Twll. I got smonked!

2. When we went to the Circus I met Sminky the Smonk.

3. After a night of romance I accidentally smonked my pants.

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What does "smonking" mean?

to get your ass kicked by a monk.

Wow, that crazy dude in the brown robe just SMONKED your stupid ass!

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Smonking - what does it mean?

A meme synonym for the playable character in the gameRainbow Six Siege

“I just one tapped smonk while he was throwing a gas grenade.”

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Smonking - meaning

A man that smiles that looks like a cartoon monkey

Hey Ashton, you look like smonks

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Smonking - definition

Using a bong incorrectly

Ahh man you smonked the bong

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Smonking - slang

A nickname of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege character, Smoke.

Commonly referred to as Smonk, this nickname has almost fully replaced the character's actual name.

Me: Mate, how did you die?

You: Oh, Smonk gassed me!

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smoking the cannabis plant, but with a lot more meme

when you smonk weed}

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Ironic synonym for smoke originating from the meme culture, usually used with doggos (dogs)

High doggo 1: when you smonk the weed

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When you smoke weed and sucking dick at the same time

Hey did you know that Esteban was smonking he so gay

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