Definder - what does the word mean?

What is smallfryz?

A person that thinks they have "Game" / "Rizz" to pull the HEUX but in reality they are just a human whom is desperate for love and DO NOT have no Rizzeth. Usually a person who has recently broken up with someone.

My name is SmallFryz, I miss her...

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smallfryz - video


Smallfryz - what is it?

Smallfryz is the cutest lightskin on twitch, but he also hella gay ngl

Chat: Twerk?

Smallfryz: gift subs

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What does "smallfryz" mean?

SmallFryz is a twitch streamer who is a lil zesty & gay for chat

He secretly loves it when people watch him shake his ass on stream

"Yo you see that new smallfryz stream?"

"Ain't that the guy who shakes ass on stream?"

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Smallfryz - what does it mean?

fell off

smallfryz fell off

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Smallfryz - meaning

broken chair merchant

didnt smallfryz break his chair?

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