Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skullied?

Someone who is crazy.

If your on boat with a crazy person its captain skully.

I don't know man, I think you just crazy skully.

Let me go skully, just let me go man.

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skullied - meme gif

skullied meme gif

skullied - video


Skullied - what is it?

head, blow job

She gave me skillie in the car last night

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What does "skullied" mean?

the act of sucking another’s eye from their skull

β€œi got skullied last night and now i pay less for contacts!”

β€œbro, nice skully!”

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Skullied - what does it mean?

slang for a woman giving a man oral sex

Cutty #1- Damn, Nicole gives some good ass skully!
Cutty #2- I know, she even lick the balls and swallow too!

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Skullied - meaning

Skunked in NCAA Football.

If you beat someone by the 21 point lead rule in NCAA Football, you would say, " you just got skullyed!" or "careful, don't get skullyed!". This was derived from a person named Skully losing by this rule and refusing to give up his xbox controller. Thus, he was granted the name.

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Skullied - definition

slang for blow job, or more proper, oral sex

That girl gave me a hella good skully last night.

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Skullied - slang

a hat or no brim black wool cap

my skully is tight on my head

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a hetrosexual boy getting oral sex from a girl
a skull cap or hat without a curve
a skull lover
a nickname in canada

I went to a museum of skulls they were pretty skully

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A thick cap without the fold.

A beanie.

He was rockin' the ill skully.

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A mostly online term used to boast of an awesome headshot you just inflicted on a person. Skullied meaning shot in the skull.

Best used in a no scope match where its not often you get a headshot.

Scenario: Cod4 1v1

Geek 1: Omg.....U wer skullied! Brap Brap!
Geek 2: ...............(silence)

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