Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skronked?

1. Verb meaning to fuck.

2. Noun, refering to your fucking partner.

1. OMG! You went out with THAT dude last night? Did you skronk him?!?

2. You know it, girl! He made me cum, like, five times. He's the best skronk, EVER!!!

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skronked - video


Skronked - what is it?

From Jeff Robinson at

An adjective used to describe a noun.

Probably an infinite number of uses. I've used it myself when dialing in guitar sounds. Usually distorted and more often than not narrow in frequency response. Several records I've worked on we actually got some pretty 'skronky' guitar sounds. One that comes to mind is the solo/theme guitar sound on a song called 'Pencils and shades' by the Low & Sweet Orchestra. That came out on Interscope Records and featured actor Dermot Mulroney on various stringed instruments. I've also worked on several projects that had some pretty 'skronky' vocal sounds too. That effect would be achieved in running a normally recorded vocal out through a bullhorn to achieve a more annoying, albeit obvious vocal sound in the mix. One could even record the original vocal with a bullhorn.

Another name for this effect would called 'filtering'. Usually, one chooses a center frequency which will be predominant and then the other frequencies are filtered out or decreased. This creates a spike in the final sound of mostly one frequency. That's about all I can suggest as to my knowledge of it's usage. So often, working in music, finding a common language to describe what you hear and intend is critical. The language becomes nearly as suigeneris as the music itself.

The Gentlemen Callers' sets just kind of blended into on long grind of rythem and skronk.

👍83 👎103

What does "skronked" mean?

1)To engage in sexual activity;
2)To have an negative unexpected event occur
3)To indicate a positive result

"Boy I would like to Skronk her!"

"Man I got skronked on my math test today"

"That was a skronking good time!"

👍117 👎153

Skronked - what does it mean?

Playfully grabbing a man's crotch, and then running away. "Skronk" is meant to be onomatopoeic.

"Dude, you just skronked me! That was really awkward."

"Gross. Why would you skronk me? Do you like me or something?"

👍115 👎137

Skronked - meaning

A form of an explosive fart, that can be produced buy letting a high pressure fart while sitting flat on your butt in a bathtub full of water.

Debbie was no longer attracted to Darrell after she heard him skronk in the bathtub.

👍35 👎19

Skronked - definition

The Saskatchewan slang for sex. Mainly used by teenagers, who are obsessed with the subject. Also used more often when catching a couple in a bush at a party.

"Yup, they were definitely skronking. Bare-assed and everything."

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Skronked - slang

To utterly kill/destory/obliterate a player in an online video game. Utilized mainly as a verb, skronk was made popular in PLAYERUNKNOWN's Battlegrounds

1. Lets go and skronk some skronkables
2. I've got my SKRONKIN stick, LETS GO BOYS!
3. I got skronked

👍83 👎41


To annoy someone to the point of madness without realizing it.

From Shel Silverstein's short play "No Skronking," set in a diner. A customer notices a sign saying "No Skronking" and inquires as to what it means, which the waitress advises against. He persists and ends up driving her completely crazy. Produced twice, once at the Atlantic Theater Company, in NYC, and once by the Market Theater, in Cambridge, MA.

"Excuse me, is that spelled right? No Skronking? Shouldn't that say No Smoking?"

"Oh, you'd know if you were a skronker."

👍239 👎133


The Snorting sound made by the

former WWF/WWE Wrestler The Ultimate Warrior.

The "Skronk" sound is simular to a pig snorting.

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Used to define music that is grating, dissonante, and frequently avante gard.

Mid-to-late period Tom Waits, mid-to-late period Ornette Coleman.

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