Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skonked?

A very smelly (stanky) vagina. Often times the vagina is also very sweaty and leaky.

No one could stand being in the same room as Jessica because of her ripping sloppy skonk.

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skonked - video


Skonked - what is it?

a drawn, as graffiti, penis. skonking-the act of drawing a penis as graffiti.

There is a skonk on my notebook. Someone skonked the bathroom stall.

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What does "skonked" mean?

A variation of streaks on Snapchat. Primarily meaning a very sarcastically sexual picture.

Bob: *Sends selfie saying streaks*
Tom: *Sends selfie with a quadruple chin with the caption "Skonks"

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Skonked - what does it mean?

when you smell worse than a skunk, you're a fucking skonk.

god James, take a shower you're skonk'd.

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Skonked - meaning

A beautiful woman who takes care of herself and knows her own worth

"Damn look at that skonk over there! She's bad as hell"

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Skonked - definition

A word generally referring to marijuana, but which can also be used as a verb.

"Yo, got any skonk"

"I skonked so hard last night"

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Skonked - slang

A slutty girl more often refered to as a "slut" with a little twist in the middle.

You don't wanna mess with that girl man, she a skonk!

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An especially sallacious woman who is prone to engaging in activities typically refused by the average skank, e.g. wearing a trashbag decorated with cum while giving Jared Leto a rim job

Dood, check out the girl giving Robin Williams a handy in the car wash! What a skonk!

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To get fucked; to have sex.

"Yo, what happened between you and Mary last night?"
"We totally skonked."

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1. Marijuana Intoxication, also see:
high stoned blazed hammered

"I've smoked too many bifters and i'm skonked!"

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