Definder - what does the word mean?

What is simeon's?

A person who tries awfully hard to fart but poops instead. Sensitive aswell, who farts and then starts crying. A person who claims to have expelled the Biggest Fart In The World Fart, yet to be proven, claims to have shaken the house and rattled the windows. This is ridiculous. No fart in the world shakes houses and rattles windows.

Simeon is a bungee pooper. The kind of poop that just hangs off your rear before it falls into the water. Unfortunately, Simeon often Jailbreaks, when forcing a poop, severeal farts slip out at a machine gun pace.

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simeon's - meme gif

simeon's meme gif

simeon's - video


Simeon's - what is it?

An angel sent from heaven , a person that can fix all your wounds and accept you for the way you are

A: you’re such a kind person , i wish there were more people like you in this world .
B : i can’t help it , I’m such a Simeon

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What does "simeon's" mean?

Pretty cool dude, btec Michael from Love island 🌴

Not a grey ting!

Overall nice guy πŸ’™

Who’s Michael? I’ve only heard of Simeon 🀣

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Simeon's - what does it mean?

Simeon is a person always down to smoke a fat blunt and have a great time with his friends.
He is always chill never a snitch and he is super funny.

person 1 DAMN that dude in math class is such a simeon!! we just hit blunts and chilled all night bro!
person 2 damn bro that sounds so lit i'll come next time!

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Simeon's - meaning

(Adj.) A word discribing one of exeptional attributes, such as upper-body Strength,
drawing skills, and/or the power to make heads explode by merely staring in an obsessive manner at the victim.
Also slang for "Malagan".

"Gee, That was so Simeon", exclaimed Jesus after defeating the roman army using nothing but his thumb.

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Simeon's - definition

The cute one

You're the Simeon in our group.

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Simeon's - slang

one of the exchange students from the Celestial Realm in Obey Me!, and basically best angel, hands down (next to Luke).

he's such a cinnamon roll, no, really, he seriously is, he's so kind and thoughtful and generous and considerate and gentle and so damn sweet, he's literally the perfect gentleman... until technology becomes involved, but he's not hopeless with a phone, guys, he's still learning! maybe one day, we could play Genshin Impact side-by-side as soon as he gets the hang of using a computer!

bro's got a sharp intuition, and he can get pretty serious when the going gets tough, and did I mention that he's an author? yeah, nah, I'm not giving away his pen name-

join the Simeon's Witnesses today, and save 95% on Simeon merch!

"He's like, a sweet, whole innocent Boi cinnamon roll who deserves the best in life, he deserves everything...
He deserves to be protected at all costs, no matter what the costs are"

- a fellow Simeon's Witness.

*please, guys, the Simeon's Witnesses thing is a partial joke, we like Simeon a lot, but not enough to fully start a cult, please, we're just otakus who like a fictional man.*

normal person: "oh? Simeon's kinda cute, lowkey."
Simeon's Witnesses: "I'd give up watching NCIS: Los Angeles and sleep for you, Simeon, please, bless me with your divine kindness."

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High class Italian. Whenever someone speaks out against the name it is simply because it is not theirs. Simeone's are bound for greatness and will always be around.

big daddy simply has some other last name so he must speak out against the one he wishes to posses/ big daddy has no money therefore he is obviously not a Simeone

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Simeon is a quiet guy but is still really fun to be around. He always knows what to say when you're upset and is one of the best people that you will ever know

Simeon is really nice. I think I might like him

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Name of a guy that makes you happy with a simple "Hi" text.
He's the definiton of talented even if he might deny it, because let's face it: not evryone can sing, dance, act and write.
Simeon will never fail to put a smile on your face, especially on mine. He's the sweetest guy you'll know, even if he's also incredibly sarcastic
We all know a Simeon, and we all love a Simeon; and i do too.

"Dude... check out that guy over there!"
Yeah, it's Simeon didn't you know? He's the cutest guy i know"

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