Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shittles?

Pacific northwest city, located at and around; Latitude: 47° 37.216' N, Longitude: 122° 19.75' W.

see also 'Seattle.'

man, the drive to shittle sucks.

👍469 👎181

shittles - video


Shittles - what is it?

When you eat Skittles out of an anus

One time I did shittles but I have to do it again to really know how I feel about it.

👍151 👎45

What does "shittles" mean?

A small colourful rainbow shit taken after drinking a fruity drink

guy 1: Oh dude i just drank a pineapple martini.
guy 2 : Did you shittle?
guy1: I shat the rainbow

👍59 👎15

Shittles - what does it mean?

disturbing but common side-effect of tasting the fruit rainbow

No, he can't come to the phone. He's got the shittles.

👍29 👎17

Shittles - meaning

matt giamanco

if you are to matt giamanco, you are a shittle
the above person is shittles, the king of shittle.
he's gay

👍33 👎27

Shittles - definition

A term used for exclamation. Contrary to popular belief, that is all it should ever be used for.

"I just dropped my phone in the toilet! SHITTLES!"

"OW, I just stubbed my toe! SHITTLES!"

"Shittles, I forgot to mail Amie her herpes cream. Oh well"

👍37 👎33

Shittles - slang

Any kid who is:
A) A Juggallo.
B) Dumb, even for a Juggallo.
C) Doesn't know how to jack off.
D) Wants to have anything and everything in school to fucking revolve around clowns.
E) When asked to comment on writing assignment, always says "It shows how he feels."

*Zach is talking about masturbation for some reason*

Shittles: How do you do it?

*room turns dead silent as people stare in disbelief*

Zach: You hit it with a hammer.

Shittles: Really?

Zach: Yeah, that's why they call it beating your meat.

Shittles: Okay! *grabs hammer, hits self in groin* Ow, that hurt!

Zach: That's cause you're not doing it right.

👍59 👎63


shit nuggets

👍77 👎57


little pieces of shit that melt in ur mouth, not in ur hand

Shittles!, taste the ass

👍223 👎151


Primary cause of halitosis.

Woah, Rich, your breath stinks. What have you been eating, shittles?

👍141 👎59