Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shile?

mastermind of aai2

"raymond shiled is the mastermind of aai2"

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Shile - what is it?

How mormons call someone a pile of shit without the guilty feeling of actually swearing.

I hate that daveecakes, he's a shile of pit.

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What does "shile" mean?

used in Malaysia to describe loose change in coin form. A remnant of the British colonial era from the word for Schilling.

Why you give me so big money, no shiling ah?

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Shile - what does it mean?

A place with many memories attached

My home place is a shile

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Shile - meaning

A strong kindred spirit. Kind hearted. Derived from the name Shirley.

Despite her adversity, Shilee's a fighter, she can overcome any obstacles.

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Shile - definition

A form of friends with benifits but shes not your friend. You wouldnt care for he or she but you still use eachother in a positive way.

Yo Taiquesea is my shile. Feel free to hit it

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