Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shaughnessy?

1) Shaughnessy is a family surname of Irish origin that is sometimes used uniquely as a first name.

2)The wealthiest neighborhood in Vancouver, British Columbia. The average annual household income is $153,895.

1) Me - Dude, I love Shaughnessy.
Friend - Me too. Who doesn't?

Me - Stupid fuckers that's who. She's God's gift to the world.

2) I don't know what to do with all this money. Maybe I'll buy a second vacation home in Shaughnessy.

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Shaughnessy - what is it?

Shaughnessy is an amazing girl loved by all she is beautiful smart and kind she has some sass but you can get by it she is a good kisser and would do anything for her friends shaughnessy commonly is givin the short nickname Shawn the pet name shawney-boo and nickname boomer if you ever find a shaughnessy don’t let her go

Shaughnessy I love you

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