Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sex faces?

for a Man to shove his penis into a woman's mouth and aggressively have oral sex..

"Dude a had some great face sex with you mom last night"

"I sure oculd go for some face sex about now"

👍189 👎85

sex faces - video


Sex faces - what is it?

Asking someone to smile, then squeezing their cheeks together and yelling sex face before laughing uncontrollably.

You may also wait for the person to smile at random then perform this special move, this is useful if a person refuses to allow a sex face to be performed on them when it plainly should.

"Lewis was smiling alot so, when he least expected it, I sex faced him."

👍57 👎83

What does "sex faces" mean?

Dodgy Facial Expression

Did you see his sex face while playing the drums?

👍71 👎71

Sex faces - what does it mean?

A girls face after having relations.
Runny Eyeliner
Messy Hair sometimes greasy
Red Lips
Smeared Lipstick
and on occasion a few white spots

"Wow Sally where have you been?"

"Out... why?"

"You have a sexed face."

👍37 👎19

Sex faces - meaning

A facial expression made when making eye contact with someone you would like to have sex with. Usually a stranger, but on occasion a friend or a significant other.

He totes gave me the sex face today

👍67 👎39

Sex faces - definition

ones sex face is the face they have when a) one thinks about who they would like to have sexual relations with b) when they are around the person they would like to have sexual relations with.

Could also be the expression one has while having sexual relations with another... noun.

a) As soon as John thought about Kate his sex face came on.

b) John and Kate are MTB, they always have their sex faces on when they are around each other.

👍105 👎49

Sex faces - slang

The stupid ass face you make leading up to busting a nut.

dude, my girl left me after she saw my sex face.

👍123 👎57

Sex faces

The face you make while/after you cum.

Hehe Johnny your sex face us so cute

I know what u guys did u have that sex face

👍149 👎71

Sex faces

An expression you have on your face during sex.

Duncan's sex face looked like a startled rabbit.

👍585 👎199

Sex faces

the faces made while having good sex - considered sexy when these faces are made by the female

"All the faces she be makin when I'm in it
Make a nigga feel like he doin somethin" - Too $hort from Scarface's "Fuck Faces"

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