Definder - what does the word mean?

What is serue?

Not believing in the shit the kid just said.

"I fit 3 fingers in that corgi"
"What! are you serus?"

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serue - meme gif

serue meme gif

serue - video


Serue - what is it?

A dumb white woman that drinks coffee. Not far off from a Karen.

Look, a Seru drinking starbucks while yelling for the manager.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "serue" mean?

A person that is weak in everything but still shows kindness. A person named Seru is pretty rare so if you know one, be grateful! They’re shy, have a traumatized past, and might not have humor at all but they can become the best person ever.

I love you, Seru.

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Serue - what does it mean?

Serue is a person who is always complaing, typically from the eastern cape region, One Characteristics of serue is that his wrist is always sore.

Yohhh look at serue wrist dudeπŸ’”

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Serue - meaning

Frunchish equvilant of: gosh
more Frunchish:
pub lo meldi
mi de fula
dubri muqua
lele du sonph

Gosh, I could die of thirst!
Frunchish: Seru, mi lepe rotteu jeau!

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