Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sergiu?

A rubbish dickhead who has a 9-inch-long penis and a height of less than 0.5 meter

That Sergius is quite famous for its stupidity.

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sergiu - meme gif

sergiu meme gif

sergiu - video


Sergiu - what is it?

Big dick guy. He likes Manele and he doesn’t like manele. Big stud. Big dick x2.

You are such a Sergiu.

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What does "sergiu" mean?

Romanian name translated from slav language at it's base meaning "corpse" or dead body

I saw a sergiu in a river

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Sergiu - what does it mean?

He's a boy who accepts you for who you are. He is very tall. He is a boy to whom you can tell all the secrets without being afraid to tell someone. He respects girls and has a different mindset than many people. If you need something you can call Sergius and he will come even if he has something to do. He is smart and as a hobby he likes to ride a bike. The kind of person who doesn't have many friends because he only keeps real friends by his side. In short, he is an educated man, polite to a point, respects the female, and likes to ride his bike and play on the PC. <3

Person1:where is Sergiu?
Person2:He ride a bike

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Sergiu - meaning

He’s the best bf ever, he’s very sweet, funny, really hot and a really nice person. I’m really happy that I met him and I would give him the world. I can’t see my life without him and I hope I’ll have him around for a long time. Love u the most<3

Sergiu is the best bf ever<3

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Sergiu - definition

Sergius is a sweet guy name,
Some one who is always friengly, welcoming and most at times d ladies man.
But always bright up the place he enter

U can grow and be like sergius

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Sergiu - slang

A Typical Boy That Is Heavily Influenced By Music and Is Honest And Loves Girls For Who They Are. He's A Horny Monster At Times and His Dick is 9Inces Long. He Can act Like a Rebel and Is Amazing Overall.

Sergius and Becky Are Going to The Concert Tomorrow.

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Just a nigga with a rocket launcher sergiu

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A guy that like girls how they are and doesnt give a living fuck about other girls if he already choose one.
That one girl is more likely to like him too.
Funny guy but also a dummy sometimes. Great talents like painting drawing or sports, he might play guitar or the battery.

Sergiu ya modafaka, how are ya?

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a breed of romanian gangster exported in north america. this cognitiv gangster is a mutation denerated by the DNA alteration produced in 1986 when the nuclear reactor Cernobil exploded.

Sergiu Malagamba, Sergiu Nicolaescu, Sergiu G.

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