Definder - what does the word mean?

What is seaton?

The hottest, prettiest, smartest, most loyal girl is named Seaton

Oh your names Seaton, your really pretty!!

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seaton - meme gif

seaton meme gif

seaton - video


Seaton - what is it?

Gay very gay

You stupid Sam Seaton

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What does "seaton" mean?

Noun -RUDE -usually reffered to as a reject -bad hair -awesome jeep gets him much needed man points

Nathan Seaton is standing at the wedding.

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Seaton - what does it mean?

This is a special time zone that is always running 30 to 45 minutes behind the local time zone.

Will said he would be here at 1:00, so probably more like 1:30. He's running on Seaton Standard Time.

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Seaton - meaning

Dumb whore, suck alot of cock, tells people to kill themselves.

I'm mady seaton and i eat paper

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Seaton - definition

A place where homeless Toronto men live, located on crack alley aka George Street not far from downtown. You will be scared to walk down this street at night cause all the crack whores and drug dealers are there waitng to scam you.

Seaton House Definition

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Seaton - slang

Seaton delaval is a old mining town, now covered with chavs, underage drinking and smackheads. Often seen with 3 people on a bike or a pumped up corsa racing down the street you can guarantee it's a safe place to walk your kids to school

Went to Seaton delaval for a 10a bag and got stabbed, robbed and hit by a car.

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a school, that's about it.

it's pretty depressing here actually...

just a little bit

Seaton gives me depression

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Pretty, beautiful, loving, caring people are named Seaton

Person 1: Hey whats your name
Person 2: Oh its Seaton
Person1: Damn, your hot

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The man/woman of whom you will most likely fall in love with.
They will make you heart skip a beat and will fill your stomach with butterflies

They may be shy at first but will warm up to you and you will see their amazing personality

They are truly one to love

Oh **** Seaton? Yea they're amazing

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