Definder - what does the word mean?

What is russian hotdog?

Sex in the form of a male putting his penis between a womans breasts while the woman pushes her breasts together.

Named a "russian hotdog" due to the 'sausage on a roll' effect that is created.

👍35 👎31

russian hotdog - video


Russian hotdog - what is it?

The act of using condiment packets as lubricant during the act of sex.

Guy 1: "In prison, there wasn't a good way to have lubricated anal."

Guy 2: "When I was in prison, we did the RUSSIAN HOTDOG every day"

👍27 👎11

What does "russian hotdog" mean?

the act of inserting the cock AND the balls simultaneously into the mouth.

The complimentary use of condiments is suggested by many who have experienced the Russian Hotdog.

"That bitch gave me the Russian Hotdog."

👍55 👎21