Definder - what does the word mean?

What is rizzin'?

Jeff was so good on the green today, his Rizzing was on point.

To represent one’s adeptness at putting. To be so good at golf they change β€œputting” to β€œRizzing

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rizzin' meme gif

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Rizzin' - what is it?

The process of taking one extacy tablet by mouth or plural extacy tables by mouth and then waiting over time to then take another extacy tablet or plural extacy tablets by nose, or snorting.

BY MOUTH: rollin'
BY NOSE: thizzin'
HENCE: rizzin'

Samantha was RIZZIN' so bad last night!

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What does "rizzin'" mean?

Rizzinator is the definition of Julius. It means that you forehold the powerful actions of the "RIZZ" and you shall use your power for good, also its means that you are master of all the rizzaments such as water rizz, fire rizz, air rizz, and rock rizz. It means that you are a master of spoken and unspoken rizz and you are the Sofaygo of rizz.

Dang did you see how much rizz he has, hes a walking Rizzinator

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Rizzin' - what does it mean?

Whenever someone’s irresistibly lustful / when you’ve got the sauce to pull anyone on the spot.

My brother and I asked my cousin if he be rizzin’ on bitches, we all laughed and my cousin had said β€œ yeah, I had a baddie I just met come over last night β€œ

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