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What is Sofaygo?

That one nigga who will never release Pink Heartz

Sofaygo said he was gonna drop Pink Heartz in March of 2021

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Sofaygo - meme gif

Sofaygo meme gif

Sofaygo - video


Sofaygo - what is it?

They Greatest Man Alive And Never Miss on edits or takes

Sofaygo Meli Just Good

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What does "Sofaygo" mean?

the greatest rapper off all time. he is greater than your favorite rapper

Person 1 - I like sofaygo

Person 2 - wanna fuck?

Person 1 - yes :)

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Sofaygo - what does it mean?

Gay rapper from atlanta known for his underground hits like β€œknock knock” which also blew up on tiktok and recently was signed to travis scott and was featured on don tolivers album β€œlife of a don”

guy 1: yo you heard that new Sofaygo?

guy 2: OMG YASSSS LETS GO FAYGO :333333 Κ•β€’α΄₯β€’Κ”

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Sofaygo - meaning

A 21 year old rapper signed to Cactus Jack Records from Grand Rapids, who is amazing at rapping and vocals but has been next up since the trump inauguration.

Guy 1 : You heard Sofaygo finally dropping Pink Heartz, Guy 2: Yea alright, Guy 1: Nah forreal this time its dropping 11/11/22, Guy 2: Like I said Yea alright.

"Lets go Faygoooo!"

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Sofaygo - definition

Sofaygo is a living legend anbody would give this GOAT head at any given time in the day.

Yeat: *shivers* Eminem: *sighs*

Tupac: *quivers* Snoop dogg: *sweats*
Biggie: *whipers* Kanye: *crys*

Sofaygo: "class is beginning listen up"

YOOOOOOO is that SOFAYGO, he is a living rizzinator.

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Sofaygo - slang

Blonde haired goat that only makes hits & has accumulated over 1M plays on SoundCloud & other platforms

Sofaygo bitching dem niggas - bruce DEO

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