Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rizzing?

a term used for cocaine

"You wanna do some rizz?"

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Rizzing - meme gif

Rizzing meme gif

Rizzing - video


Rizzing - what is it?

Rizz is the ability to confidently approach people and talk to them, in a more romantic or flirty way.

Usually people use the term "rizz him/her up" to show how this complex concept of rizz can be simply applied whilst talking to a person.

Eg. I got my masters degree in quantum rizzics, in the Argentinian city of Rizzario, where the goat Crizztiano Rizznaldo once went on a visit.

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What does "Rizzing" mean?

Rizz is crystal meth

Hey Bob why don't you and I go smoke some rizz and stay up for a week.

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Rizzing - what does it mean?

Rizz actually comes from the word charisma, where in southern Baltimore they've started to shorten it, to "rizzma" (the noun replacing charisma) and to "rizz" (the action of showing charisma), through twitch live streamer Kai Cenat's editor, a resident of south Baltimore, he started putting rizz in the compilation thumbnails and the word was adopted all over the United States

"Kai with the rizzma! We stay rizzin till we die!"

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Rizzing - meaning

Rich Jizz

ex: Damn, MilqueToast must have swallowed a lot of Rizz for that Rolex.

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Rizzing - definition

Fatherless being who thinks they get bitches

John: β€œhey how’s it going?”
Chad: β€œcool! I’m a complete rizz”
John: β€œoh so you get no bitches”

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Rizzing - slang

NYC Slang created by a twitch streamer and youtuber named Kai cenat. This means that you have game and get bitches.

Silky: Yo I saw that you were talking to that girl Rachel over there. Did you get her number?

Kai: Indeed! You know me I got maad Rizz

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Another word for spitting game/how good you are with pulling and sustaining bitches.

Person 1: are you from Tennessee cuz u the only ten i see ;)
Person watching from a far:Damn, that nigga has no rizz

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One or more people are in a voice chat, but they are not talking.

I was in a voice chat with Charlie last night, and out of nowhere he just started rizzing. So I just hung up on his ass.

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Extremely embarrassing to an unbearable degree; used to describe someone who is so shockingly embarrassing, you can't even stand to be in the same vicinity as them

Oh my god, he is SO rizzing.

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