Definder - what does the word mean?

What is richfield?

Where purple potato juice and bathroom stalls without doors are.

Man, Richfield High School sucks.

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richfield - meme gif

richfield meme gif

richfield - video


Richfield - what is it?

School whose food rivals that of the juvenile correctional facilities. Also location in which the the principal with half-ass waves goes around and blows 3+mil on renovation, but gives out cold cuts of ham on dry bread.

Yo, you hear Bernie diss that one wack ass school

Yea it was Richfield High School

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What does "richfield" mean?

shitty town full of crazy smelly people

i was in a good mood till i realized i had to go to richfield springstoday

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Richfield - what does it mean?

a shit hole in the middle of utah that fears god more than the consequences of injecting meth.

Hey man, we should go to Richfield utah this weekend, go to church then shoot up meth!

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Richfield - meaning

a small city in Wisconsin (about a half hour from Milwaukee) that features many historical landmarks such as..

-Richfield School
-Pioneer Bowl
-CORFU Restaurant
-Sansone's Drugs
-and last but certainly not least, Dairy Queen

-the people of richfield are generally friendly unless you happen to stumble into the Dairy Queen on a busy day.
-the 'Richfield Hobo' will make is montly apperance usually behind the Piggly Wiggly or sitting on a bench at the local Dairy Queen.
-a select few may refer to Richfield, Wisconsin as 'the hood' but what they don't realize is that they have no idea what a real hood is like so it would be in their best intrest to shut their mouth's and go play in traffic.

"Richfield, Wisconsin is straight up hood, dawg."

"...go play in traffic."

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Richfield - definition

Richfield is a suburb of Minneapolis, MN. It's racial status as of 2000 is

81.25% White
6.65% African American
0.72% Native American
5.30% Asian
0.04% Pacific Islander
3.41% from other races
and 2.64% from two or more races

The Best Buy corperation headquarters is located in Richfield.

I live in Richfield. It's a nice city, I personally like it. Because of the variety of people, like so many other places. Its not too many blacks, not too many whites not too many of any race. Alot of parts of the city are pretty nice looking.

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Richfield - slang

Pronounced (r?chβ€’f?ld)
Suburb of Minneapolis, MN. A place where white kids like to complain about being ghetto or full of ethnic populations. While the minority population is certainly growing, it's still the suburbs, whitey.

Home of Best Buy World HQ, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, and about 35,000 people.

There are many municipal parks and fantastic drinking water in Richfield.

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Richfield is an old suburb of Minneapolis consisting of about 35,000 people. The demographic profile is close to 40% asian, 30% black, 20% senior citizens, 10% confused caucasians. Not only is it minutes from MSP Int'l, downtown Minneapolis, home of Best Buy, overshadowed by its snobby-ass neighbor to the west edina but is also an oxymoron.

"I live in Richfield, neither rich or a field"

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Where Best Buy HQ is. Also where that weird school Holy Angels is.

Ehh. I live in richfield. At least I'm not an Edina snob.

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