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What is reverse-boner?

a reversed boner is me with math

"i got a reversed boner in maths today! it was horrific!

👍25 👎11

reverse-boner - meme gif

reverse-boner meme gif

reverse-boner - video


Reverse-boner - what is it?

when ones penis retracts back into their body due to the event of hearing something unattractive.

man one: dude, I just took a HUGE shit, you gotta see it!!

man two: bro, that just gave me a reverse boner.

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What does "reverse-boner" mean?

When you get a boner from looking at photos of your significant other from before you met them.

My girlfriend was showing me
pictures of her from high school and she was so hot I got a reverse history boner.

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Reverse-boner - what does it mean?


1. the state a man's penis enters when either the environment gets too cold for its liking, or theres an unnattractive woman in its midst. During this time, the penis will become shorter than usual, resembling a tree stump

2. When the penis secedes from its union with the vagina

a.) Some Guy: gawd its cold here, im getting a reverse-boner...

b.) Some Guy: Dude, i was holding hands with my girlfriend, and getting "You-know-who" (his penis) ready for "you-know-what" (blowjob), but some ugly hoe came along and gave me a reverse-boner!

c.)Some Girl: i was having sex with my bf, but when he was about to stick it in, he had a reverse boner...

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Reverse-boner - meaning

The phenomenon that occurs when a penis becomes so unaroused that it contracts into an erect, albeit very tiny, state; usually due to the consumption of too much adderall, or a very intense workout.

Bro, you must be cracked out on adderall. I can totally see your reverse boner through your gym shorts.

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Reverse-boner - definition

the exact opposite of a boner

when a someone does something or says something so gross it gives you the exact opposite feeling of a boner

when a girl looks so disgusting you puke in your mouth a little

Guy 1 "dude, i think that chick is checkin you out?"
Guy 2 "dude, she just gave me a reverse boner"

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Reverse-boner - slang

When you see something so tragic that you get the opposite of a boner.

Boner: Hot girl has a wardrobe malfunction.

Reverse boner: You catch an old fat guy in your bed masturbating while he eats a fish a jelly sandwich and laughs at you because he hacked your Xbox profile and is ruining your great Call of Duty record. And he killed your newborn and sick kitten with the bone from the chicken that you were going to eat for lunch and is using the fur as a fake mustache.

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When you see something so horrific, such as a disgusting girl/guy, it makes you penis want to go back inside of your body. A reverse-boner is rare and the sight you must see to induce a reverse-boner is beyond scarring. You will want to cry when you see the object or human that makes you want a reverse-boner.

Example 1
Guy 1: "Dude did you see Sarah Jessica Parker in her new movie????"
Guy 2: "Yeah bro she gave me a reverse-boner"
Example 2
Guy 1: "Did you go to the hospital yesterday?"
Guy 2: "Yeah a saw your girlfriend changing and i got a furious reverse-boner"

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The exact opposite of a boner. The premise is that something turns you off so much that your weener goes inside out.

"...dude did you see that documentary about failed breast implants?...that gave me a total reverse boner"

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