Definder - what does the word mean?

What is rady?

A successful rapper about to feature with Rajan and Drake- potentially.

Why are you such a radi? Bro u took a hour? That's such a radi thing to do

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rady - meme gif

rady meme gif

rady - video


Rady - what is it?

a fat dirty slag. lazy. has no friends. usually gallops around school or goes around on all fours hissing.

person 1 -look at that little rat. ew
person 2- it must be a radi

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What does "rady" mean?

an e-girl wannabe who cares about no one but herself.

That girl is such a Radie.

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Rady - what does it mean?

Radi is something that a fat ass latina puts up her ass and strokes it on a daily basis

Oh i need to get that radi thats under my bed and stroke it to relieve stress

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Rady - meaning

This is the nepali slang wird for bitch

Radi ko choro.
Son of a bitch.

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Rady - definition

Combination of the words rad and wonderful.

The skater girls at the sports action tour were most radiful.

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Rady - slang

Making a mess of a situation, doing something stupid, or flaking out.

Man, he sure pulled a rady on us last night.

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awesome person who's smart,very chill, and sexy.

radi is awesome, black, and sexy

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A beautiful, radiant women that will not take no for an answer and will always defend who she loves.

" I wish I was Radie, she's so strong!"

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a super swag group of friends who are literally so iconic and cool

oh there go the radies, i wish my friends were as swag as them<\3”

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