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What is rOaSt BeEf PuSsY?

alyssa greerπŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜

*her nurses get spread around*

me the next day at school:”rOaSt BeEf PuSsY

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rOaSt BeEf PuSsY - video


ROaSt BeEf PuSsY - what is it?

A beaten up loose vagina, usually owned by a whore that hangs and resembles a roast beef sandwich

Cassandra got that Arby’s roast beef pussy

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What does "rOaSt BeEf PuSsY" mean?

dark brown vaginal folds, usually asian, but common to any darker women. sometimes due only to used up/beat up vaginas.

i got an asian porn so i could view roast beef pussy.

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ROaSt BeEf PuSsY - what does it mean?

a large dark lipped pussy that has been overly penetrated, resemlebing the lunch meat.

Your mom has some nasty ass roast beef pussy.

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