Definder - what does the word mean?

What is quiching?

Female genitalia.

Can be used in numerous ways often with hilarious consequences when situated near a buffet...

"X has got a cheesy quiche" (Often sung)

"Oh, crusty quiche"

"Look at that fork-in quiche" (See what we did there)

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quiching - meme gif

quiching meme gif

quiching - video


Quiching - what is it?

Quiche is a slang term for a situation that is hot, sweaty or sticky.

'Turn the heating down me Julie, it's a bit quiche in here'

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What does "quiching" mean?

Used to describe people that are frequently late for meetings

Argh, Nigel is late again. He's such a quiche

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Quiching - what does it mean?

Someone who is the next level of hotness, one of the main measures of quicheness in a girl is her 'box gap'. Such as in Ja'mie private school girl.

OH MY GOD that quy is so totally quiche

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Quiching - meaning

A feeling of error, wrong doing. An unsatisfactory idea.

You got quiched!

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Quiching - definition

egg pizza

ethan is a quiche

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Quiching - slang

To be distracted and/or consumed by any pleasurable and complex experience, such as the act of making and eating an egg bake (quiche).

Don't wait for Ron before you start the movie, he's quiching in the kitchen.

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Seriously fucking hot.

Ja'mie is so quiche

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Used to describe someone who is hotter than hot. From Chris Lilley's show Ja'mie: Private School Girl

"OMG, Hugo is so quiche."
"I really wish that I had a quiche girlfriend like Izzy"

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The act of inserting a student's class ring (primarily a high school class ring) into another student's rectum, possibly as a preliminary to other sexual activity.

Brian was quiching Sandy after school, in order to spread her open for later.

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