Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pwc?

An environment/hell, in which the term 'work-life balance' is used to convince bright, young professionals to accept jobs. Once on the other side, it becomes apprent very fast that it doesn't exist, but the majority of employees stay, because the partners continue to say they are "working" to improve 'work-life balance'. One question: How long before they figure it out? Answer: NEVER. They will continue to use it as a topic of positive discussion for the future (always in the future).

We work 80 hour weeks, but it is okay cause they feed us free alcohol on a consistent basis.

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pwc - meme gif

pwc meme gif

pwc - video


Pwc - what is it?

acronym for "poor word choice"

dude: what's going on
me: nuttin
dude: gross
me: ?
me: Was that perverted?
dude: Yeah, pwc

me: so what do you think about me in this dress
bf: you look fat
me: excuse me?
bf: sorry, pwc... I mean phat... as in hot

boy 1: hey man, how's it going?
boy 2: not bad you complete tool douchebag!
boy 1: what the hell did you just say to me?
boy 2: sorry, pwc...i meant, 'not bad man'

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What does "pwc" mean?

people with cocks. an alternate name for the male species. if you are sick of calling the guy in your life a dick, when you are mad at him.. use pwc instead.

I'm done with pwc's!!

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Pwc - what does it mean?

Personal WaterCraft aka Jet Ski

Have you ever ridden on a pwc before? Dude! Their awesome!

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Pwc - meaning

pwc is an abbreviation and a hashtag on social media.that stands for Posted With Consent. It’s used by parents that post pictures and stories about their children and let’s people know their child consented to the information and photos being shared.

Johnny makes crazy things with the legos. Just look at him in the playroom! #pwc

Susie’s class picture! (pwc)

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Pwc - definition

P.W.C. stands for People Without Colour aka white people

Silence pwc voices. jk...

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Pwc - slang

People without color (white people)

P1: ong those bitches over there are hella annoying, racist mfs.

P2: Mannn no shit those some PWC’s.

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Pricks With Calculators

Better hide the paper shredder, PwC is here to do the audit.

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PricewaterhouseCoopers, i.e., the Big 4 public accounting firm; Characterized by various types of douche rockets, strokejobs, and fucksticks; Also includes many arrogant assholes who: 1) love their jobs too much, and/or 2) think their jobs are much more important than they really are; Most likely the company Mike Judge worked at before creating the movie "Office Space"; Been known to cause loss of eyesight and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, as well as clinical depression and insanity; Also see: NBC series "The Office." Synonyms: White Collar Garbage Men, Suckers, Glorified Bean Counters, Monkeys in Brooks Brothers, College Part 2, Springboard Company, Line On a Resume, Awkward Interactions, Bureaucratic Horse Shit, Puppeteer Managers, Corporate Drones, Bitch Minions, The Fourth Reich, Third Circle of Hell, Not Smart Enough to Work in Investment Banking, Purgatory, Soul Stealers, The Worst Job You Will Ever Have, Two Years and I'm Out, Assholes, Heroes, Corporate Cheerleaders, John Mark Karr. Antonyms: Real Businessmen, Successful Careers, Human Beings, Well-Rounded Individuals, Nice People, Fair Policies, Personable Staff, Exciting Work, Lively Environment, Humane Treatment, Honesty, Career Potential, Fair Compensation, Opportunities for Growth, A Way to Build Personal Wealth, Valuable Training, Strict Recruiting Policies.

1. If u want to work like a little slave bitch, work ridiculous hours (but also be forced to come into work when there's absolutely nothing to do but stare at your computer for eight hours), not get paid overtime, forfeit any and all chances to have a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex, gain crazy amounts of weight, never exercise, lose all social skills, forget how to talk to girls, climb the corporate ladder at a snail's pace, be tricked into believing you provide value, be tricked into believing your coworkers and bosses care about you, lose contact with all your friends, receive insulting raises, watch your life dwindle into a rotten corpse of its former self, look forward to going home to do nothing but stare blankly at the wall, spiral viciously into a permanent state of cynicism, see the world through a tint of gray, resent everyone, wake up each morning with the taste of bile in your throat and thoughts of masochism in your mind, and eventually, undoubtedly, inevitably hate being alive, PwC is your spot man, welcome aboard.

2. I'd rather be a carny than work for PwC.

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PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Created after a merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand, PWC is one of the "big four" (final four?) accounting firms. The final four are Ernst & Young, PWC, Deloitte, and KPMG.

From many accounts PWC is "The last form of slavery in the US. This is where many young people begin careers and work 115 hours a week until they either quit or die from exhaustion. Former PWC employees often have scarred backs from the whip marks."

In common with all other Professional Services Firms, PWC really have no place being defined in anything called "the Urban Dictionary". It'll just end in tears before bedtime I tell ya!

Yo ma wigga, PWC be trippin on dis Sarbanes Oxley shizzle. Tru dat.

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