Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pronunciate?

the act of pronouncing

It was pronunciating it wrong on google translate, so we added a few things to mayke it sound like the translater was thinking and the "well" was more pronounced as a sigh.

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pronunciate - meme gif

pronunciate meme gif

pronunciate - video

Pronunciate - what is it?

To pronounce your words carefully, and with meaning.
Not to be confused with enunciate. Do not let people fool you when they say "Hey! That isn't a word!"
On the contrary, pronunciate IS a word and forever SHALL be a word no matter what they say.

"Bob, please pronunciate your words! I can't understand a single thing you are saying because you are mumbling!"

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What does "pronunciate" mean?

A stupid word harless made up

β€œPronunciate can be used in place of pronounce.”

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Pronunciate - what does it mean?

A combination of letters that are used to create the sound of a word

An example of pronunciation is
Apparently (uh peh ruhnt lee)
Whatever (Wuht eh vr)
Typing (Tie Peeng)
PNG (Pee en jee)

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Pronunciate - meaning

How a word sounds when spoken correctly. Not a vital part of any UrbanDictionary definition.

'Tough' and 'though' are spelled similarly, but have very different pronunciations.

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Pronunciate - definition



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Pronunciate - slang

To make declaration; to utter on opinion; to speak with confidence.

Learn to pronunciate you foreign bastard!

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to enunciate an entire phrase correctly

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(verb) a combonation of the words pronounce and enunciate, when someone uses improper sounds and clarity of speech when talking. A drunk will probably have a difficult time prenunciating correctly.

drunk: "Heyaa git mea somor byer!" ::belch::
bartender: "I'm sorry could you repeat that sir?"
customer: "I think he wants a refill."
customer #2: "I can never pronunciate right when I'm drunk either."

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A merging of the words "pronounce" and "enunciate" that emphasizes the gist of each's meaning. Basically, it means to speak more clearly.

I can't hear what you're saying. Pronunciate! And I don't need a dictionary, if that's what I think you said.

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