Definder - what does the word mean?

What is procrastinatory?

(adj.) to procrastinate

My procrastinatory ways of leaving my laundry in the basket for 2 weeks is going to get the better of me

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procrastinatory - video


Procrastinatory - what is it?

Usually an acquaintance or friend that promises to visit you and friends for social events like Clubs, beaches, restaurant meet and greets, or just chilling at a friend's house only to constantly procrastinate and never show up. They also are known to get angry at inviting friends and exclaim "Why don't you guys ever visit me where I'm at?" as a week counter.

Shy: Hay Loni, are you actually coming to the party on June 15th or gonna just say you are or not show up?
Loni: I'll totally show girl.
(The day of June 15th)
Shy: Really Loni, are here yet?

Loni: (from comfyness of her bed not getting up) I'm on my way chill girl.
(9am June 15th)
Shy: Loni WTF, you said you were coming but you didn't even show up late. Why do you always not show up when you say you will? At least tell use you can't make it and have an excellent excuse to back it up!
Loni: Why the hell don't you guys ever visit me? Why the hell should I go?
Shy: Cause you live in someplace in Tennessee not in Florida. Why the fuck don't you do what you say you will?
Loni: Fuck you guys why don't you visit me?
Shy: Because your a fuckken Procrastinatory Noshow! You don't even link with us anymore!

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What does "procrastinatory" mean?

A secret, rare form of the verb "to procrastinate." The word, since 1390, has been phased out of the english language due to questions of legitimacy and proper grammar rules.

The procrastinatorial aspects are dependent upon different factors of procrastination.

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Procrastinatory - what does it mean?

Being motivated to do anything but homework

I developed procrastinatory motivation to clean my room since I have a 5 page paper due tomorrow.

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Procrastinatory - meaning

The feeling of wanting something to grub on to avoid doing something else of more importance. The feeling is compulsive and often occurs at a time when you aren't even hungry.

Bitch Ass Chemistry Teacher: Where's your homework? Me: All Sunday I was planning on working on it, but I got the Procrastinatory Munchies and ended up not doing anything. Bitch Ass Chemistry Teacher: That would most likely explain your overall surface area..... Me: Did you just call me a lardass in smart guy language?!! At least I didn't spend my weekend procrasterbating like some bitch ass chemistry teacher I know.

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Procrastinatory - definition

being known for procratinating behaviours

"Did you do that paper from last week yet?"
"No, I'm procrastinatorious."

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Procrastinatory - slang

Relating to the act of procrastination, AKA the quality of being lazy. Describes the way of procrastinating.

She never gets anything done because of her procrastinatory ways.

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Of or relating to procrastination; describes someone in the act of postponing the fulfillment of a requirement because of lazy or selfish reasons.

Instead of doing the 5 hours worth of homework assigned as soon as she got home from school, Stephanie was procrastinatory and surfed the web until midnight.

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