Definder - what does the word mean?

What is poding?

It's used to express an affirmative opinion

"O cavalo Γ© azul"
"Pode pa"

"The horse is blue"
"Can shovel"

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poding - meme gif

poding meme gif

poding - video


Poding - what is it?

This word means " I understand you " they used to tell it for friends or na informal situations

qualquer coisa que for dita por um amigo seu , e vocΓͺ simplesmente gostaria de concordar ou dizer que entendeu , diga pode cre .

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What does "poding" mean?

n.f Définissant quelqu'un qui possède un peau, cheveux, tanning, ATTITUDE à tendance rouquine

Mmmmmmmmmm tu es une belle pode toi!

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Poding - what does it mean?

No bodys bitch.. but a combo of a fucktard, bradmoss and a siefucker.. and he is a total quief

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Poding - meaning

A chode (a dick fatter than it is long) which is so fat that the dick-hole resembles a pussy. This way you can use it for both types of sex (assuming that a girl's pussy is wide enough.)

He wanked his pode with one hand, and fingered it with the other.

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Poding - definition

A bastardization of "iPod".

"iPode" is also acceptable but takes away from the beauty of slaughtering Apple's iconic name for their product.

"Dude, where's my pode?"
"I have no clue where your fucking iPode went."

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Poding - slang

A cat

Wow that's a bode pode!

I have a dog and a pode.

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n. (-s) - an incorrect abbreviation for "episode" coined by improperly educated long island teens, usually in reference to DVD sets of t.v. shows (i.e. Friends, One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy).
v. (-d, -ing) - the act of watching an episode of such a t.v. show, usually only used in verb form with the phrase "pode it up".

"We watch way too much t.v. in our dorm room, we watched 9 podes of Friends so far today."
"Guys I need to relax, wanna pode it up?"

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The act of displeasing someone, often while cheating in a video game or being better than the person that is accusing you of poding.

John: *Kills Matt in a video game*

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Past Over Dosed

Lets get PODed (Like High as Hell Or real fuckn DRUNK!!)!

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