Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ploofed?

A girl who has made out with more than 30 male and/or female people.

That girl is such a ploof. Ploofing Whore. Ploofed herself.

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ploofed - video


Ploofed - what is it?

when you fart and queef at the same time while receiving the shocka.

Lets go ploofing tonight girls.
I ploofed while hitting your kufi.

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What does "ploofed" mean?

ploof is jizz, jizz is ploof

when i busted in her mouth, a fuck load of ploof came out

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Ploofed - what does it mean?

the anal version of a queef. not just a fart but air and jiz combining to make a ploof noise when a cock is pulled out of ones ass

darren got embarrassed when he ploof'd after john pulled his dick outta his ass

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Ploofed - meaning

the excess fat piled above the crotch region

" EW! look at plums ploof!" ( see plum )
" its almost as big as Mrs. Engle's!"

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Ploofed - definition

referring to someone as the dumbest person he/she has ever met

Omg, you are such a ploof.
George B. is such a ploof.

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Ploofed - slang


I found out I was allergic to feathers, so I had to give up my feather ploof for a synthetic one.

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Ploof \plʊf\

1. To plop and poof at the same time. 2. The sound marshmallows make. 3. Nonsense. 4. The act of ploofing. 5. An alternative to POOF

Ploofs, ploofed, ploofing, ploofery.

That is utter ploof.

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A condensed form of an expression of happinesss, excitement, moment of discovery, et al.

Also can be used as a sign of disappointment based on inflection.

I just won the lottery!=Ploof!

I found my car keys!=Ploof!

My cat died. = Ploof.

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Running so hard that you throw up during or immediately after a race. Also can be used to describe the "puke" that is ejected from the person and onto another runner.

He ran so hard during the cross country meet that he was ploofing nearly the whole time.

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