Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pienis?

female vagina.

put your weenie in her pieny.

or in reference to a bisexual: he likes the weenie and the pieny.

👍25 👎11

pienis - meme gif

pienis meme gif

pienis - video


Pienis - what is it?

When a male dips his dick in beer and gets a blowjob.

"DUUUDE Ralph just got a peinybooper!"

👍35 👎15

What does "pienis" mean?

cross between pie and penis
a penis wider than it is long and covered in a layer of smegma making the crust
similar to a choad, jus unclean

i heard that dudes got a small dick
yeah he TOTALLY has a pienis

👍49 👎55

Pienis - what does it mean?


a penis, the male sex organ, made out of pie.
available for purchase only at /wild foxes/.

When the man got an erection, his pienis became instantly cooked, turning from dough to crust with a nice juicy filling.

"If you're a man, put a pienis in your pants, if you're a woman, have it for tea with a bit of 1-800-PIENIS!"

👍95 👎25