Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pettit?

A very attractive young women who is often on the shorter side. Don’t let her size confuse you though, she packs quite a punch and is a very passionate person. She has a wonderful laugh and keeps life interesting for those around her. Dairy is her kryptonite so you might wanna stay away from that. Nevertheless, she’s a wonderful human being and is SUPER hot.

“You see that girl over there? She’s DEFINITELY a Jessie Pettit.”

👍25 👎11

pettit - meme gif

pettit meme gif

pettit - video


Pettit - what is it?

When a man, who is secually attracted to only cheerleaders but is crippled by his obsessiveness over germs, forces said cheerleader to occupy a bubble contraption, thereby engagin in pleasurable cheerleader sex inside a germ-free environment.

"Dan knew that the cheerleader he was eyeing was unsavory, so he decided to gag her and force her into a bubble and thus engaging in the angry pettit."

👍49 👎41

What does "pettit" mean?

A god among gods. Pray to him.

Cohen Pettit will heal all of us

👍25 👎13

Pettit - what does it mean?

An perfectly, amazing man who's an even more perfectly, amazing lover due to the fact he's packing the biggest cock you'll ever seen this side of the Mississippi I do declare!

Seen my ex last night wondering down by the bayou...he was no Tyler Pettit that's for sure!

👍25 👎11

Pettit - meaning

A 16 year old male, that should not be trusted around children. Has no feelings and shows no emotions. Chances are high that he’s into men, and has an enormous cock

Watch out for Henry Pettit , that cunts a predator

👍25 👎11

Pettit - definition

The sexiest man on planet earth in one of the most amazing bands in the world, Alexisonfire. He has amazing facial hair and is completly irresistable. Any girl with half the brain cells of a blonde would leave their boyfriend for him.

I love the sexy beast known as George Pettit.

👍81 👎17

Pettit - slang

One who pets things.

Someone who finds it enjoyable to pet and or seduce others.

A person who is extraordinarily good at all types of physical petting and touching specifically that in dimly lit rooms.

- Also see randy

She is going to get the Pettit touch

👍43 👎57


1) to recycle the same beer from one beer pong game to another
2) to hold the same beer all night and act like your drinking it

1- Drink that cup and stop pettiting.
2- Look at him he's been pettiting that beer all night.

👍83 👎21


1. a pedophile, usually is attracted to girls under the age of 12 especially if moderately attractive.

2. one of a distinctly bad smell.

you reek of Pettit.

that girl is pettit bait

👍65 👎75


one who touches dog's in the dead of night

that old man is such a pettit

👍75 👎69