Definder - what does the word mean?

What is penis popper?

The after-party of the pride parade.

Bill, a straight dude who volunteered for the parade, accidentally fell victim to butt stuff at the penis popper party.

👍27 👎15

penis popper - video


Penis popper - what is it?

A girl who is addicted to your big fat juicy third leg of a cock.

My girl is a total penis popper. My dick is her drug.

👍27 👎21

What does "penis popper" mean?

a shitty penis popper occures when while a girl recieving anal sex has to take a shit but the man giving anal does not abide to her wishes and stops what he is doing. in doing this he urinates inside her ass hole and sofens the feces so that when the man takes his dick out shit a explodes in an uncontrolable excretion of the waste. horrid and unexplainable occurance lays waste to all who stand infront of it. this horrible event has also been known to mentaly scar and mame all involved. and beware.

Jim: Yo jeff wheres Dave?
Jeff: He had a shitty penis popper last night with shelly.
Jim: OMG Did he survive?
Jeff: Ya, the medics made it just in time but now hes in a mental instatution, but shelly didn't make it.

👍125 👎49

Penis popper - what does it mean?

when a male has an erection and only wearing boxers and is seen by someone not involved with the action of the erection.

A male entered the hall and was identified as a penis popper

👍33 👎49

Penis popper - meaning

rubber toys in the shape of half-spheres used for sexual arousal. when folded inside out and placed on the tip of the penis, the ensuing "pop" creates a heightened sexual arousal for the man. continued usage is said to even enhance the size of a man's erection. these toys come in a variety of colros and sizes, and can be used in other erogenous zones to enhance sexual arousal.

Bob: "oh baby use the penis poppers on me!"

👍53 👎51

Penis popper - definition

sex toys similar to the small rubber "poppers" popular at arcades and roller-skating rinks, used to stimulat a man's penis by popping the half-sphere shape on the head of the penis.

Julie: Damn, Matt wanted me to use the penis poppers on him all night long!

👍83 👎53

Penis popper - slang

Anyone who masturbates with frequency and urgency.

"I'm the penis popper, popping my penis all day. I'm the penis popper, popping my penis my way."

👍207 👎83

Penis popper

The act of which sticking a lit firework down your Urethra and letting it explode.

If that guy flirts with my girl one more time ill give him the old penis popper.

👍53 👎15

Penis popper

A girl who has the hands of giants. One who's hands will pop your penis like a fat kid breaking the can open for the last pringle.

Dominic: Damn Sarah is such a hottie
Rudra: Yeah but she is a penis popper
Dominic: Yikes

👍135 👎17

Penis popper

Some one who pops penis's

Liam God damnit you penis popper!

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