Definder - what does the word mean?

What is paperback?

A book of collected comics. The difference between a trade paperback and a graphic novel is that the graphic novels come out as stand-alone books, whereas trade paperbacks come out as comics first and then are collected as trade paperbacks.

I love the New 52 Batman Court of Owls trade paperback that I got at the comic book store today!

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paperback - meme gif

paperback meme gif

paperback - video

Paperback - what is it?

A girly-girl (sometimes referred to as princess) who has a β€œsoft cover” in reference to her sweet disposition and general agreeability. Like a paperback novel, she is conveniently carried around and brought up when there’s time to kill. That is to say, the paperback princess is undervalued by society and often overlooked for the pages and generalized by the cover.

A play on the children’s book title β€œPaperbag Princess” by Robert Munsch. The paperback princess, much like the paper bag princess overcomes her sweetness and naivety to rescue spare herself from wasting time on a loser guy.

Jared’s gone and found himself another paperback princess - I wonder how longs it’s going to take her to realize he’s a total prick.

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What does "paperback" mean?

Making a song with ONE chord. First attempted by Paul McCartney by the great band The Beatles.

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?
It's based on a novel by a man named Lear
And I need a job
So I wanna be a paperback writer.

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Paperback - what does it mean?

A person who has everything they need but stills whines about having a crappy life/ not having something.

Jim: Mannn I want the new iphone 4s my iphone 4 is soo slooowww
Tim: Stop being such a paperback bitch

Douchebag: FML dude
Friend: Dude you have everything you need, you make your life seem like shit when there are other people with actual problems, your being a paperback bitch

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Paperback - meaning

The act of recieving a test with a note that says "See Me After Class". You cannot deny what the teacher desires for you, so of course, you go. Your teacher then proceeds to underdress slowly. Eventually you and your teacher begin to have violent intercourses.

This usually ends in an expulsion for the teacher and student.

-Hey dude, did ya hear the news about Johnny?
-Naw bro, what happened?
-Mr.Jones told him to stay after class, and then gave him a paperback!
-DUDE! Is Johnny okay?

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Paperback - definition

Soft, halfhearted, flimsy, weak, easy to discard or replace

Those paperback friends of yours arent worth shit.

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Paperback - slang

A very literate Mexican often found in Northern parts of California and Arizona. The term is based off of the racist discriminative word, "Wetback," which is referring to a Mexican.

Dude! You know Hakeem, that black/Mexican kid? He's such a Paperback!! He reads like five books a day!

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this term describes another person in the sense of romantic appeal. Meaning cheap, easy to trash or able to toss out, possibly not worth the time or money.

she is okay but her friend is a total paperback

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