Definder - what does the word mean?

What is onze?

A brotherhood

Yo bro this is my onze you can’t fuck with us

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onze - meme gif

onze meme gif

onze - video


Onze - what is it?

This is literally that collaboration of words that is perfect for randomly shouting out in a french lesson

Teacher: Let's revise your vocab.
Student: J'ai onze ans! It's some shit I found on urban dictionary!

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What does "onze" mean?

A delicious mix of two exotic flavours that refreshes your mind. The perfect partner for refreshment.

Not everything fuses so good like Onze More Fusion.

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Onze - what does it mean?

My friend's fursona

Oh shit it's Onzee everyone hide quick!

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Onze - meaning

A large sum of marijuana, could last a month if only smoking a gram a day, typicaly 28grams, can always be found for $180 Canadian good price $150 canadian can usually be found at this price

let blaze 1/2 this fat onze of weed so im still leagal!

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Onze - definition

A broad-minded person

"His words were never shallow. He is an Onz."

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Onze - slang

to be harrased in a public toilet

to sport a silver moustache

I took the bus to Schipol, took short and had to use the washroom. I was accosted by a silver moustached assailant who Onzed me...

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Legendary draenei paladin.
Superb exploiting, glitching, playing skills.

He may be good, but he's no Onz!

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- let’s do it
- I’m down

- way to go

Tom : imma go to Sarah’s tonight

Alex: onzing

Tom: wanna get a pizza ?

Alex : onzing

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Succint term used in certain south-east asian countries to represent a positive and definitive acknowledgement of a task, appreciation or an appointment.

"So we'll meet at midnight for some prata?"
"Onz. See you there."

"Can you get this done for me by tonight?"
"Onz. It's done!"

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