Definder - what does the word mean?

What is october 21?

national die day

oh imma die on october 21

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october 21 - video


October 21 - what is it?

national eat a teacher day

β€œhey jeff guess what, it’s october 21!!!”

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What does "october 21" mean?

hug your bsf because they’re beautiful

allie:hey lets go give lilee a hug
allie:it’s october 21 since she’s the best bsf you can ask for and we couldn’t live without her

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October 21 - what does it mean?

national tell a guy he’s cute day!!

bailey: it’s october 21, it’s your chance to tell jake he’s cute!


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October 21 - meaning

october 21 is national slap a bitch day!! go up to that one person that needs a slap and slap them! you can do it and no one will get mad!

popular boy: oh i have to go slap that bitch
boys bsf: oh yea right it’s october 21!

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October 21 - definition

The day a person of great power and importance is born

Yeah The president was born on October 21st

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October 21 - slang

"slap random people in the face with cheese" day

x: it's october 21.
y: we should cheese slap babies!

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October 21

october 21 is national slap a bitch day! it’s your time to shine and hit that massive bitch in your school!!!

popular boy: oh it’s national slap a bitch day better go slap that person
boys bsf: oh yea betttt

*october 21*

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October 21

national "shut the fuck up bitch" day, also known as "stfub"

Ava, shut the fuck up bitch no one cares so say this on october 21

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October 21

october 21 is national give a girl a hug day.

it’s october 21 so imma hug jessica ight

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