Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nomster?

What people become when they nom to extent that it starts to take over...O.o

Don't nom too hard! You might become a nomster like your Uncle Bill!

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nomster - meme gif

nomster meme gif

nomster - video


Nomster - what is it?

Eating food or food itself

Oh billy this nomster is good.
Hold up guys, let me grab a nonster real quick

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What does "nomster" mean?

a Nomster is a monster that likes to eat (or a kid that likes to eat!).

nom nom nomster

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Nomster - what does it mean?

What you call a person who has switched the N and M keys on a keyboard.

Person 1: I came to the office early to switch as many M and N keys as possible.

Person 2: You nomster!

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Nomster - meaning

Someone who noms a lot.
a nomming monster.

"omnomnom... "
"Woah that nomster just ate all the cookies!"

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