Definder - what does the word mean?

What is niven?

A sexy thot.... Extra small but very affective in the homing quarters. FATTIEST ASS THE WORLD HAS SEEN. People call her the β€œSexually gifted Mary”. She has the milfiest lips you’ll ever lick and loves the blue stripes of men. She also loves guys who have dirty blonde hair, 5”10, small hands, green eyes, and a dirty mind

Dammmmmmmm I can she that Ashlyn Niven type ass from a mile away

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niven - meme gif

niven meme gif

niven - video


Niven - what is it?

Niven rulse means someone with a long kop longer than a pole but is very humble and very stressful and with a small penis

Niven rulse has a small house

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What does "niven" mean?

The best person in the world.

Tara helps people if she wants to but she is still the best person in the world

Tara niven is great

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Niven - what does it mean?

This term is used for a really hard slap on an unpopular kid. When the perpetrator lines up his Niven Slap he usually will do stretches with his hand and arms. The victim can sometimes be left unconscious.

Wayne Rooney: Hey guys, I'm back at Man U!
Berbatov: *Niven Slaps* Yeah, that shut you up!

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Niven - meaning

The chant Olivia and I made on April 1st 2021


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Niven - definition

He's a savage and a god. He's 100/10

I'm Niven.

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Niven - slang

A mathematical expression equalling exactly one and one half (1 1/2).

"The plank of wood is niven feet long."

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Niven is a name that comes from the Celtic language. It means Royalty. Nivens are sweet, kind and humble but very stressful and ill-tempered.

"My Best friend is Niven"

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Typically used in Connection with super hot males. Someone who is not only good looking and has a good physique but is also very intelligent and humurous.

- See that 10 over there?
- Yeah, he is such a Niven
- Yeah, he is

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