Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nastifying?

orig. Skylerish (adj.)
1. To be nasty!
Forms: To be nastifying, to nastify, to have nastified, to have been nastified, he/she nastifies, I/you/we/they nastify, I/you/we/they will nastify
Synonyms: Nasty, Gross, Disgusting

(Someone does something gross)
Oh my gosh, that is like, so nastifying!
Like, why do you always have to nastify this place up?

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nastifying - video


Nastifying - what is it?

nastified: something or someone that is nasty or funked. It's actually latin oriented and comes from the word goop.

"Damn girl! That shit is nastified!" said Laquisha

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What does "nastifying" mean?

A word i made up meaning to be made nasty.

people be stealing my words thats not nastified

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Nastifying - what does it mean?

something that has been in contact to something nasty.

when you pick your nose your finger has been nastified

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Nastifying - meaning

1. The most disgusting of disgusting.

Boy: Did you see that girls new haircut?
Girl: Yeah, completely nastifying!

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Nastifying - definition

The emotion of seeing, feeling, tasting, or hearing something utterly nasty or just plain stupid.

Today I was nastified by everyones sheer ignorence.

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Nastifying - slang

The emotion of seeing, feeling, tasting, or hearing something utterly nasty or just plain stupid.

Today I was nastified by everyones sheer ignorence.

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Function: transitive verb
Inflected forms: nastified, nastifying

1: To dominate so thoroughly, and spectacularly in any competitive event (i.e. sports, video games, etc.) that it seems like the shit you are doing is impossible.

Example #1
Person A (reffering to GH3): "I just 100% Through the Fire and Flames on Expert!"
Person B: "You just nastified that shit!"
Example #2
Person A: (reffering to Super Smash Bros. 64): "Yo who's tryin to get nastified by Falcon?"
Person B: "Whatever son, I guarantee you won't nastify like last game with all 15 kills."
Example #3
After dropping 25 in the fourth to win the game. "Damn nigga, I nastified last night in the fourth!"

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